loan: an amount of money that is borrowed, often from a bank, and has to be paid back, usually together with an extra amount of money that you have to pay as a charge for borrowing. (قَرْض)
interest: money that is charged by a bank or other financial organization for borrowing money. (الفائدة)
savings account: an account in a bank or similar financial organization that earns interest. (حساب التوفير)
cattle: a group of animals that includes cows, buffalo, and bison, that are often kept for their milk or meat. (ماشية)
Listen and Read: p.119
textile: a cloth made by hand or machine. (النسيج)
manufacturing: the business of producing goods in large numbers. (تَصنيع)
manufacturing: food processing. (معالجة الغذاء)
fishing-canning: تعليب السمك.
handle: to deal with, have responsibility for, or be in charge of. (يَتَعامَل مَعَ)
sea traffic: الملاحة البحرية.
manufacturer: a company that produces goods in large numbers. (مَصْنَع)
sea traffic: any material, such as oil, cotton, or sugar in its natural condition, before it has been processed for use. (مواد خام)
merchant: a person whose job is to buy and sell products in large amounts, especially by trading with other countries. (تاجِر)
negotiate: to have formal discussions with someone in order to reach an agreement with them. (يَتَفاوَض)
purchase /ˈpɜː.tʃəs/: something that you buy. (شِراء, مُشْتَرَيات)
cereal: حبوب.
harbour: an area of water near land where ships can stay safely and which may have equipment and services for shipping. (مَرْفأ)
Listening: p.120
Reading: p.121
coast line: الخط البحري.
fishing industry: صناعة الأسماك.
coastal fishery: an area of water where fish are caught so they can be sold. (المصايد الساحلية)
high seas: أعالي البحار.
mackerel: a sea fish with a strong taste, often used as food. (سمك الأسقمري البحري)
anchovy /ˈæn.tʃə.vi/: a small fish with a strong, salty taste. (French: anchois)
mainly: في الأساس.
freezing: تجميد.
fishing fleet: أسطول صيد سمك.
cephalopod: an animal such as an octopus or squid, that has tentacles (= long parts like arms) around the head. (رأسيات الأرجل)
Word Net: p.122
Writing: p.122
Reading: p.125
average: معدل، متوسط.
decline: when something becomes less in amount, importance, quality, or strength. (انخِفاض, هُبوط)
account for: to form the total of; to be.
overseas: in, from, or to other countries.
Word Net: p.126